Mark Cuban says TV Everywhere its the best model for cablers who don't want to give up paying subscribers (which makes to everyone but internet nihilists.) Having both pipes also gives pipe guys a leg up because video can be hosted intra-network and deliver far better quality.
Funny parallel: for all those over the toppers, why isn't internet access a la carte? Says Cuban, "I only go to maybe 10 sites regularly. I get RSS feeds for another 50. Why should I have to pay for the resources required to provide access to the other 10zillion sites that consume resources ? Why shouldn’t I only pay for the 10 I go to?....Why should I pay for my ISP to provide bandwidth for P2P downloaders ? I only want to pay for the bandwidth I consume, not a bit more. 99pct of the sites i use are text based information sites. Why should I pay for the bandwidth I might consume ? I only use the internet 8 hours or so a day, why should i pay for the other 16 hours in a day ? Worse yet, because of the P2P bandwidth consumers, not only do i subsidize their habits, but they slow me down... At least my tv picture quality is never impacted by who is using it or how much they pay."