Music lawyer Fred Davis says everyone knows future on "access" not "ownership." He says :
By studying the data about access to music and video, one has to realize the potential of monetizing access. If you add up the views of music videos on YouTube and the audio streams of music on MySpace alone, they are in the billions per year. The popularity of access is enormous. The value of access is enormous. The monetization potential is enormous. But try to remember, for a moment, how long it took the radio industry to evolve into a profitable TV industry? (Hint: a lot longer than a decade.)
As he notes, What is TV Everywhere but ubiquitous access to content? What is Hulu but ubiquitous access to content? Spotify?
Can big media really not figure out how to benefit from this? Yes, the share of the big is smaller (with so many competitors) but won't popular content still command the biggest audiences?